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Connecting with others is an easy way to loveholy

Connection with others is something we humans need. I often pass other humans without any connection whatsoever. I don’t look at them, and they don’t look at me; heaven forbid we speak or make eye contact.

Well I decided to try to love someone holy by meeting their need of connecting with someone.

As I was walking into WalMart to get some vitamins, I noticed that the greeter, an unhappy looking man in his late 70’s, had on a name tag that identified him as Leroy. I said hello to Leroy and he responded with a faint smile as he maneuvered carts for others.

I got my vitamins and went to checkout. As I was paying, the cashier ask me if I wanted a bag for my single item. I said, “absolutely, I would never make it past Leroy without a bag”. She laughed out loud saying, “yes he is ferocious isn’t he”? The man behind me laughed also and added, “He should be chained up then”.

Ok there was connection made to two people I would have otherwise avoided if I had not noticed Leroy’s name. Now for the best part. As I was leaving the store, when I got to Leroy, I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, held up my bag and said, “Leroy, the cashier asked me if I wanted a bag and I told her absolutely because I would never be able to get past Leroy without one”. Well ole sad Leroy burst out in hysterical laughter. I would wager the best laugh he had had in a long time. As I left, I told Leroy that I would pray the the Lord would bless him. He said thank you very much.

I can’t wait to go back and connect with Leroy again. He just thought I made his day. Actually he made mine. I got the chance to loveholy.

If you haven’t read LoveHoly yet, it is a book of answers that will change forever the way you love others. Writing it changed my life. It is my prayer that reading it will change yours too.

You can order it here:  http://www.loveholy.com

Posted June 22, 2010 by waynemarcy in Uncategorized